Week 3 » Instructions

Dear winner, 

We are now in week 3 on the exciting path of designing your winning year!

Having done the work of designing your big-picture vision and the "ideal self" you are now ready to get technical and develop some micro-intentions that you will be setting daily.

As I always say, "You can't win your life in a day, but you can win each day for the rest of your life!"

I am a big believer in the power of consistency and daily routines. Taking small consistent steps every day add up to incredible progress over the course of just a few months. Think of what you can do and where you will be if you stick with those routines for a year!

Theme of this week: Winning each day


  • Setting your micro-intentions: 3 questions for a winning day
  • Design your Empower Hour morning routine
  • Changing your mindset around self-discipline
  • Solidifying your daily winning habits
  • Nutrition & fitness tips for a winning day

What else you will learn:

  • Daily rituals of the world's most successful people
  • Activating your solar plexus chakra
  • How to get energized quickly
  • Maintaining motivation even through the low points
  • Breathwork techniques to help balance your chakras

This week's assignments:

  • Work on “My Winning habits” worksheet
  • My winning day” worksheet: Each morning ask yourself the “3 questions for a winning day” and write them down in your journal. Write down “how did I win the day?” every evening.
  • Commit to 3 actions daily that your "ideal self" would do
  • Do the Yoga sequence for balancing the solar plexus every morning or afternoon
  • Watch the breathwork tutorial video and practice at least one of the techniques shown daily: Alternate nostril breathing; Kapalabhati; Breath of Fire
  • Watch “Charging your solar plexus chakra” video tutorial and practice is daily

Remember that winning is not about any one big accomplishment or achievement, it’s about daily progress towards your goals.

Taking small steps and making marginal improvements daily, is the key to self-improvement and by that reaching total self-love.

Keep on winning every day!


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